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After moving web to new host, notifications of new orders to seller has stopped

Started by tonick, March 16, 2015, 13:25:00 PM

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I'm dealing with this issue.. We were dissatisfied with our former host, and decided for the change. We use VirtueMart v.2.0.22c and I did a backup of the whole system using Akeeba backup tool. In the FTP of the new host, I've restored the backup and everything appeared to be fine.. I was used to receive a notification email everytime the order is placed.. But now, I don't receive them, and I'm pis*ed off - I tried to do my best while looking for the solution, but no success at all :(
Can you help me please? Thanks a lot ;)


First that VM version is very old and has critical security issues.

Some hosts have anti-spam "features" that interfere with mail to the vendor being sent from within the site using the shopper's email address. A workaround for this was introduced but I can't remember at which version. You can also try changing the config/shop setting for "Use the vendor email address".
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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GJC Web Design

I assume you receive all other mail? Shopper registration, contact page etc?
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I know it has security issues but I didn't succeed while updating it (some xml package fail).

Yes, I've contacted my host, but did not tell me much about that :( I've already tried Use the vendor email address - no success at all :(

I don't use shopper registration, but the default email receives emails if you ask about that ;)

Thanks in advance.