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Does VM includes by default those features?

Started by pm4698, March 03, 2015, 08:15:13 AM

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Hello there,

I have a new client that wants this:

Visitors cannot register, but there will be a login button for partners only (no registration button). They can see the retail price but they cannot buy (no buy/addtocart button)

He has some partners that he will register from backend. When those partners login to website, they are able to see among the retail price the wholesales price also and they can buy at this wholesale price.

Does virtuemart have those options by default or do i need some kind of customization?

If yes, could someone please let me know in general how to do this with VM?

THank you in advance

GJC Web Design

by default - this is what Shopper Groups are for
GJC Web Design
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Yes i just saw that for each shopper group i can select which price to show and which not. So i will assume that base price is the retail price and sales price is the wholesale price, correct?

But regarding the disabling of sale for visitors, how to do this? How i can disable all addtocart buttons and functions for visitors?


Yes, visitors are by definition not logged in so are not assigned to a shopper group. You can either check for shopper group or for logged in status and show/hide template features as required.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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