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Simple VM4 Product Cart Variant Custom Field / Attribute Plugin [ FREE ]

Started by AH, December 20, 2014, 10:53:56 AM

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Quote from: AH on January 13, 2020, 10:13:32 AM

This is a great plugin, thank you!
There is one small bug I wonder how I could fix it:
If you use language variables in the custom field label and dropdown values: they will be translated rightly.
If you put this product into the cart: label is still translated, the value not - you will see the language variable.
For example you will see by the product in the cart:  color: VM_COLOR_RED

GJC Web Design

try something like

$html .='<span>'.vmText::_($productCustom->custom_title).' '.$item['custom_qvariant'].'</span>';

$html .='<span>'.vmText::_($productCustom->custom_title).' '.vmText::_($item['custom_qvariant']).'</span>';

file qvariant.php in the  plgVmOnViewCartVM3() function around line 85

might work
GJC Web Design
VirtueMart and Joomla Developers - php developers
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Language keys are now converted in the standard version update 6.1 see page 1 of this thread

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Helllo to all.
I am using the below contition. It is for installments and ads a % fee depanting on the number of installments.

No installments,6 installments@*1.079,12 installments@*1.125,18 installments@*1.155,24 installments@*1.195

It works fine ;as it displays the 4 options and by checking the option changs the proce. I shows also the modified price next to every option. Is it possible to show the monthly price that the costumer has to pay?



Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Quote from: AH on September 18, 2021, 19:26:56 PM
I don't think so with the way you are using this
Thank you for your answer. You mean there is another way?


It would take some additional coding in the display template that would not be very flexible

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1



I have a problem with VAT.
If I create several variables e.g. red, green@+100, white@+200 in the plugin in the backend for an article (e.g. €2000 incl. VAT), these are net prices without VAT. Unfortunately, the drop-down menu in the frontend also shows the Net prices are displayed (e.g. red / green+100€ / white + 200€), but the price must be displayed including VAT (e.g. red / green+119€ / white+238€).
However, if I make the selection in the Dropdon menu, the total price is the correct amount including VAT. displayed (e.g. 2119€). Can somebody help me with it?

Many thanks in advance



Hi there,
I updated Virtuemart to the version 4.0.14 , Qvariant version 5 (VMCustom - VM Product Cart Variants)with Horme3 Template and something has changed that I can't solve.
It seems to be simple :  Change the 2 Qvariant radio fields I created from vertical to horizontal display.
I have past the last 2 day trying to change this without succes.
Please help would be welcome !


... And doesn't work at all with Virtuemart 4.0.20.
That's a pity it was a great plugin :(

Edit December 2023 : Works fine on Virtuemart 4.2.0 !!!




Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1

Mister Paul

AH, many thanks for this free usefull plugin.
I instaled just it today.

For what I understand the default price has to be in first position in the list. Like this:
Core i5,Core i7@*1.5,Core i9@*2

But for some products I'd need to have a different order, and the default item somehere else. Like:
Core i5@*0.5,Core i7,Core i9@*2
where the default price and selected listed item would be here on Core i7 (second listed item)

But for now, when the page loads it's set on Core i5, and with the default price (instead of * 0.5)...

How could I manage that?

Thanks for your help


You could try this

Core i7,Core i5@*0.5,Core i7,Core i9@*2


Core i7,Core i5@*0.5,Core i9@*2

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1