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Products defaulting to Out of stock and not available

Started by Ben Hunter, November 11, 2014, 16:18:19 PM

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Ben Hunter

Hi, my new site was running great.  I registered and did a purchase no problem.  I also did a number of test purchases and cancelled after checkout.  Everything worked fine.  Then after an hour or so of being logged in all but one category of products showed as "call for Pricing"  and "notify me".  If I log out it all comes back fine.  If I log on as another user it works ok, for about an hour then does the same thing for that registered user.  If I log out, it is fine and as soon as I log back in the products are unavailable. 
Has anyone got any ideas?  I have paypal and Auspost on there.


Sounds like a cache problem. Which version of VirtueMart do you use. In your other post I saw that you are using Joomla 3.3.3. That one has a security issue. You should update it to Joomla 3.3.6
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?

Ben Hunter

The guy that set up our website installed Joomla, it doesn't display the version in the left menu panel and I've tried everywhere to find which version.  He said it was VM3.  But he's got his head into a massive contract at the moment so its hard to pin him down.  I upgraded Joomla as you said, and purged the cache. 
I'm still having the same problem.  I can add products to cart as a guest no problem, and shop as a guest.  However, now the problem is that no registered users can order products.  All except one category, shows as "call For Price" '  "Notify me".  and the error comes up saying product is no longer available.  Is it to do with shopper groups? 

Ben Hunter

I answered my own question.
I exported all products out and then imported back in and it changed default shopping group to guest only. Except that one category that I had put in manually.