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Two different groups accessing different areas

Started by gofer123, November 08, 2014, 04:25:48 AM

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Sorry, this a bit of a curly one. The site's e-shop is open to the public to purchase (after registering) but are not permitted to access certain pages, I can do that with no problem using LoginToRead extension from Joomla. The other group is Registered by the site owner, they are a bunch of professional that have access to the e-shop plus pages that restricted by login. How do I stop the public that have registered to buy from the e-shop from accessing the other pages that are for viewing for the professional  group only?
Hope that makes sense.


add them to a shoppergroup. and make the products accessible only for certain shoppergroups
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Thanks for that Milbo, but I want all users to access the e-shop (we will call the group 1) but a another group (we will call the group 2) to have access to certain pages + e-shop.
Want I can't figure out is how do I stop the group 1 shoppers that have registered having access to the restricted pages?

VirtueMart 2.6.10
Joomla! 2.5.24
PHP 5.3.10


If you want to decide who is allowed to see a product => use Virtuemart shoppergroups
If you want to determine who is allowed to use certain menu links => use joomla usergroups and the ACL.
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OK, thanks Milbo, I think I've got it now.