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Lot of images separate in diferent folders??

Started by chriskoukas, September 24, 2014, 21:10:32 PM

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Hi I have a problem. I have 24.000+ images in my site and my problemis that I want to saparate the images by category. So I go to images/stories/virtuemart/product and I add a folder for example folder1 and inside this the folder resized but in my joomla site did't saw the image neither in backend? Do you know why???

GJC Web Design

because IMHO there is no code for VM to look in subfolders except resized for thumbs

in the path of each product image you would need (I assume) in the  "Used url"   images/stories/virtuemart/product/folder1/chain_saw.jpg

the question is how you get that into the database etc  (import etc)

what happens if you try syncing the media in VM tools -  but assume with 24000 images your bulk importing?
GJC Web Design
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