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What do I need?

Started by guybr, August 13, 2014, 07:33:24 AM

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I have to ask an open (newbie) question which boils down to this: do I need a special template for my needs or not?

What I mean is, if I want the following features (as I've seen on other VM sites), how do I get them and harmonize them with the site's template - get them one by one and plug in, or do paid VM supporting templates do it all?

- a tabbed 'contact us' container on the product listing page
- the option to allow users to chose grid display vs vertical listing
- jcarousel display of photos on the product listing page
- the product checkout sequence

I'm asking because as I study each link in the user journey I'm finding any number of things that need refinement over and above the free VM software - but I don't understand: if I get a template (premium or otherwise), does it include any of these 'refinements' or will I still have to track them down one by one and try to get them to match the style of the template?


It absolutly depends on your template.

Why need the contact to be "tabbed" ? This is not the usual way.
The option for user could be done with different categories for display. I doubt it is part of the standard templates. But a lot templates offer different layouts for display.
Why it must be jCarousel? There so many slideshows and galleries
the checkout sequence is part of Virtuemart

I suggest that you first use the fullinstaller

Then you should first lern how VirtueMart and joomla works together. then you will notice that a lot of your questions are more related to joomla than virtuemart.
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Thanks for the link - I'll check it out. If I already installed the latest version of VM, would it include all the options or do I still need your link for a fuller installation?

The reason I raised my original question is that the default "atomic" template actually seems most suitable for my needs, but it's not clear whether standard extensions support it's simplicity - and the presales reps never know what to answer...

Do you happen to know if there are any important limitations with Atomic?


The full installation package contains a version of the Beez template specially configured for VM. No reason why Atomic should not be used, VM works with most templates, the only times there are problems (conflicts) is with overambitious commercial templates with too many JavaScript driven bells & whistles.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Thank you for the clarification! Because it really is hard to find a suitable template to use.

I tried uploading the fill install file from above but at the end received this error:

it doesn't look extension related -?

[attachment cleanup by admin]


The fullinstaller must be in installed like joomla.
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...are there instructions here how to do that? I wouldn't be using the Joomla control panel?

I originally installed Joomla (only) via my hosting provider but their instructions seem limited to using only the files they display in the control panel...


OK, back to basics. You first need to use FTP to move the Joomla files to the server. Beginner instructions are on
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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guybr concern is, I don't see something in the instructions about a situation where the user already has Joomla installed. In my case I installed it in a subdirectory and not in the root...

The attempted install above won't suffice?


It must be installed from scratch. The full installation package contains Joomla, VirtueMart and the modified template, all preconfigured. You should use it instead of your auto-installed Joomla - or as well as that one if you have enough resurces on the server.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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...but what will come of any alterations I've made to the site design or all the merchandise already uploaded?


the engine isnt started yet, not the right time to ask for how todo the tricks. Learn first to install the fullinstaller, (which is actually the same as installing joomla). Then learn the basics, then learn template overriding.
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It is normal to make sure everything works with dummy data and template is correct, any overrides in place etc before adding any of your own content.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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...but what about the 800+ items I've already uploaded? Is it possible to do a full install without losing all that work?


Then use the fullinstaller on another page. Learn with it how todo it. How most people use it
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