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per custom field another layout position

Started by baroen, June 13, 2014, 15:45:27 PM

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Is it possible to show custom fields on specific layout positions?
I want to show one custom field directly under the product name, and another custom field just above the add-to-cart button.

GJC Web Design

I just loop thru and if there is a match display it where I want


foreach ($product->customfields as $field) {
if(($field->virtuemart_custom_id == '33')){

echo $field->custom_value;


or if lots assign them to a var  with a switch statement

foreach ($product->customfields as $field) {

switch ($field->virtuemart_custom_id) {
  case "33":
    $custom1 =  $field->custom_value;
  case "36":
    $custom2 =  $field->custom_value;

echo $custom1;

echo $custom2;

code not checked but u get the idea
GJC Web Design
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i think that by default there are som positions like ontop, onbottom which you can use in the position field of custom field.
You can also add your own in the product details layout