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Virtuemart popups responsive

Started by ano119, June 10, 2014, 08:21:30 AM

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I use virtuemart 2 and joomla 2.5.
Recommended to a friend and Ask a question about this product popups open as iframes. they are not responsive. because they are called as a iframe giving fixed width and height. when i re-size the browser, popup width still is in same size.

recommended a friend popup has been called like this in my site.
<a '.$class.' class="modal" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 560, y: 570}}" title="'. JText::_($altText).'" href="'.JRoute::_($link, FALSE).'">'.$text.'</a>'.

so is there any way to re-size both popup when browser re-size.