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Adding html to Short description

Started by theguy, May 01, 2014, 08:08:56 AM

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Hi guys,

I've managed to add the WYSIWYG to the short description by editing the product_edit_description.php file with this:
<?php echo $this->editor->display('product_s_desc',  $this->product->product_s_desc'100%;''550''75''20', array('pagebreak''readmore') ) ; ?>

I've changed the product_s_desc field in the DB to VARCHAR and set the Length/Value to 2000. Checked it and the it seems to work but with a weird bug. I get tons of BR before the text and the table I've added was deformed. Have no idea what's the source of this issue....

Site's link:

It's the first green tab from the left.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
