Searched this forum first... How can I hide taxes until checkout in VM 2.026?

Started by elleclouds, January 09, 2014, 00:17:59 AM

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I have seen this question proposed with no answer.  Anyone can point me in the right direction?  I have tried to comment out these lines in the default.php file and default_showprices.php with no success.. I see alot of people have this issue, can someone please help me


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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I'm using a gavick template and it's possible there are template overrides.  I have looked in my configuration of virtuemart and noticed all overrides are set to no override.  How can I fix this.  Which files need to be edited or lines should be commented out.


Did you try what I linked to above? To use tax per bill?

Overrides will be in  [yourgavicktemplate]/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/ and  [yourgavicktemplate]/html/com_virtuemart/category/   They will be named the same as the default VM files so do not need to be preselected in VM configuration.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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