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Image Resizing

Started by favdes, January 08, 2014, 13:03:06 PM

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Hello everyone,

I'm still struggling with an image issue that I have.

I am setting up a virtuemart site that will have a number of individuals, not technically trained, who will log in and upload products.

Instructions are coming together for them to do this however my main concern is that the product images. Asking each of these people to download and resize product images correctly is too much of an ask, based on their technical ability. Therefore I need another solution.

What I thought I could do was configure VM so that regardless of the product image that is uploaded, the images will all be displayed in the same dimensions when the store is viewed. Is this possible and if so, how?

I thought that what I could do then, on a once-a-month basis, is FTP to the site, download all of the product images, resize them en-masse and then re-upload them.

Is all of this possible?

Many thanks for your help.

