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Looking for VM Responsive Template- with a different template for mobile

Started by Shimon Hirschhorn, December 18, 2013, 22:10:53 PM

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Shimon Hirschhorn


I am in the process of having our site moved from VM 1.19 to VM 2.0.  It took a long time and a great deal of effort due to a corrupted database.  The port is complete now and the site is almost ready to go live.  The problem is that the Mobile view of the Responsive Layout is not usable.  I have two long menus on the site.  "Categories" on the left and "Manufacturers" on the right.  When this is viewed in the Responsive view, on a narrow mobile phone, you have to scroll way down just to see the products .  Not good.

My consultant who did all the work explained to me that the template that we have, iStore has a single template for desktop and mobile.  Any change that we make for the mobile affects the desktop.
I am an old programmer and ignorant as to the inner workings of the templating .

My questions are:

1) Is there a way to modify the mobile template without affecting the desktop layout?
2) If not, can anyone suggest a VM template that does allow different templates for desktop and mobile.

Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.



I think there is a way to modify the only mobile layout. Depends by the framework of the template. On T3 it's possible.

Anyway, in this link there is some VM2 responsive template.
[Mod edit: link to site with stolen templates has been removed]


Shimon Hirschhorn

Thanks for the replies.

The ordasoft themes are responsive.  So is the template that I have now.  That is not the problem.  The problem is changing the mobile view affects the desktop view.

I have found this:
They claim to solve exactly the issue that I am having now. It is supposed to be a mobile template that is seperate from the desktop one.  There is an icon in the mobile template that allows you to use the desktop template even if you are on a mobile device.

Does anyone have any experience with this template? Does it work ?  Is it good?
