Report Revenue error + CSVI free detecting double orders? Maybe a BUG spotted

Started by jux, October 18, 2013, 13:33:15 PM

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Hello the team I have installed all the latest version of virtuemart + AWOCOUPON PRO + CSVI Free (from the date 18 th october 2013)

I have generated the revenue report inside virtuemart but the coupon from awocupon pro is not taken in consideration

The most annoying problem is when im using CSVI to export orders I have found that there is double order with same number:
c5030141   Jeremy dimitri schanus   18/12/2012 23:31   57.9   12.9   45   0   0      45   S   Expedié      paypal
c5030141   jeremy dimitri schanus   18/12/2012 23:31   57.9   12.9   45   0   0      45   S   Expedié   paypal

8ae8080   Théo Di Giacomo   11/12/2012 18:47   33.5   4.5   29   0   0      29   S   Expedié   paypal
8ae8080   Tonino Di Giacomo   11/12/2012 18:47   33.5   4.5   29   0   0      29   S   Expedié      paypal

Maybe it is an issue with user registration:
I have activated :
* visitor need to register (with confirmation link) to order
when they received the link on their email and clinck on it it redirects on the .index.php and their account is not confirmed but they can proceed , confirm and pay their order?

Could you please help me

i do not know what to do

thank you


Reply from Awo Coupon Pro team:

Just reread your post and this is actually a problem with Virtuemart not AwoCoupon.

Virtuemart calculates the revenue based on the sum of the products from the product table.  To get the actual amount the customer paid, you can do this:
in www/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/report.php is this line
        $selectFields[] = 'SUM(product_discountedPriceWithoutTax * product_quantity) as order_subtotal_netto';

Change it to this:
        //$selectFields[] = 'SUM(product_discountedPriceWithoutTax * product_quantity) as order_subtotal_netto';
        $selectFields[] = 'SUM(order_total) as order_subtotal_netto';

Obviously that is a hack of your Virtuemart files.  You should post to Virtuemart forum if you want to see something like this in the core.


You are welcome
But my question is still the same whu VIRTUEMART is creating sometimes 2 orders with same order number???

The most annoying problem is when im using CSVI to export orders I have found that there is double order with same number:
c5030141   Jeremy dimitri schanus   18/12/2012 23:31   57.9   12.9   45   0   0      45   S   Expedié      paypal
c5030141   jeremy dimitri schanus   18/12/2012 23:31   57.9   12.9   45   0   0      45   S   Expedié   paypal

8ae8080   Théo Di Giacomo   11/12/2012 18:47   33.5   4.5   29   0   0      29   S   Expedié   paypal
8ae8080   Tonino Di Giacomo   11/12/2012 18:47   33.5   4.5   29   0   0      29   S   Expedié      paypal