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Virtuemart 2.1 on joomla 3

Started by Milbo, October 01, 2013, 12:54:27 PM

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Good news,

Just remember our versioning system. VM2.1 is the new developer series and will be released as vm2.2 which should indicate that their are some API changes.

The goal is that templates work as before and that this update only includes to update also the extensions. Or in short, the big difference of vm2.2 is for the developers not users. For the users we implemented already the most featueres in the vm2.0.x series. The main change for users is the customfiels structure and handling. Of course the update should migrate all of this automatically. The handling should be more intuitive and easier to understand.

Furthermore we remove all the compatibility switches for joomla 1.5 and make it ready for joomla 3.x. I work since some days to get the new VirtueMart 2.1 running on joomla 3. I invested not a lot time and got the backend running. Be aware, there is a lot more work todo. There will be an installer soon, but we could already need help by encouraged testers and developers which use the svn You may read here Of course this is not for a productive environment.

The tasks left so far
- language tables are not correctly installed yet
- the new vmRequest needs a method to get the whole post for some forms
- change JElement against JFormfield (would be nice if someone with experience here takes over)
- loadResultArray got removed by joomla, the replacement loadColumn is not verified. Therefore it is not done everywhere already. (someone interested?)

An xml for a working discover is already there. Maybe it would even work already as installer, but I think it is too early. Maybe at the end of the week.
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Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Sorry i didn't get that..There is no such file there.


Sorry, I misread which version you are after. Currently 2.1 is available from svn  - link in Milbo's announcement above.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



The link to the VirtueMart wiki in the first post describes how to get it. You would first have to install and familiarize with TortoiseSVN for example. There are probably lots of video tutorials on YouTube describing how to do a 'checkout' (pull the project's files from the SVN to your PC).
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


No such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer. I won't ask if I know the answer or found it using the search as you suggested.


yeah Thanks jjk for helpfull information.


i think there must be a change in administrator\components\com_virtuemart\virtuemart.xml file on line 51 i.e "<filename>virtuemart.php</filename>". beause there is no such file in virtuemart. It should replace with <filename>admin.virtuemart.php</filename>.


and you haven't created any table named with '#__virtuemart_categories_XLANG'. But how you can install sample data into it. Means there no such create command for '__XLANG' but in 'install_sample_data' there are four commands with insert commands..Think over it.


no, please update again. The admin.virtuemart.php must be now virtuemart.php

There is still a lot missing, I dont get the Sampel products installed, so I was maybe a bit too early. I also fixed the problem with the lang tables yesterday. I will soon committ more.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Then please rename admin.virtuemart.php in "administrator/components/com_virtuemart" folder. Because you have define it in virtuemart.xml as <filename>virtuemart.php</filename>



I am currently evaluating the "beta" version of VirtueMart 2.1 ;)

My question, as always, is more twisted  8)

Is there a roadmap for VirtueMart 2.1?


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