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How can I get rid of this recurring PDF file name that is showing up??

Started by ucanfixit, September 27, 2013, 06:07:00 AM

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Please see my attached screenshot....

I sell pdf documents on my site. I am running VM 2.0.22c and Joomla 2.5.14.

Whenever I add anything to the cart and go to the checkout page (what the screen shot is showing) it displays "2009_Arctic_Cat_366_Service_Manual.pdf" under the product description.

No were else in virtumart you see that, if you were to go to the product page for the DAF manual you see no mention of the "2009_Arctic_Cat_366_Service_Manual.pdf"

But when you add ANY manual to your cart that "2009_Arctic_Cat_366_Service_Manual.pdf" shows up again.

HELP PLEASE??? No idea how to figure this out!



Should mention that in the html page source you see this for the code. How its getting placed in there is beyond me. Any help is appreciated!

<a href="/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=944&virtuemart_category_id=84" >DAF 95XF Truck Tractor Service & Maintenance Manual</a><div class="vm-customfield-cart"> <span class="product-field-type-E"><span>2009_Arctic_Cat_366_Service_Manual.pdf</span></span><br /></div>


<span class="product-field-type-E"> is not part of VirtueMart's default code so looks like it is added by a cart template override.  Check your overrides - or ask the template/theme supplier.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


I no longer have support for my theme so i'm outta luck. Can you suggest what folder I should start looking in for this?

Mucho Apreciated!


I just did a search of the source code in EVERY single file in my web directory and no where in any file does it find either "product-field-type-E" or "2009_Arctic_Cat_366_Service_Manual.pdf".

Where else could it be??? I'm confused because you would think it is in some file in the website somewhere.

HELP Please!!!


Figured it out myself.

Had to edit /mytemplate/html/com_virtumart/cart/default_pricelist.php

Line 119:

<?php echo JHTML::link($prow->url, $prow->product_name).$prow->customfields; ?>

the .$prow->customfields; was causing "2009_Arctic_Cat_366_Service_Manual.pdf" to show up on each item added to the cart.

I just removed it for now so the line now reads:

<?php echo JHTML::link($prow->url, $prow->product_name) ?>

Does anyone know where I edit the value of "customfields"?



Ah, so it was a custom field added to all products.

Custom fields are set up under Products/Custom Fields and can be applied to products on the Cutom Fields tab of each product editor. Some info on and in the stickies on
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum