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Email order report to admin

Started by XXL1966, September 13, 2013, 07:49:32 AM

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i managed to install VM2 and get it running (however there is still a message regarding safe path empty).
I tested the shop and placed an order and i expected a email to the admin adress, but this doesn't seem to happen. Is there a way to send an email ?
The test order is visible in VM.

thanx !


I found out it has to do with VENDOR, so i shopper list i checked my admin account as 'is a vendor'. Still no luck.

Maxim Pishnyak

Did you write email in your vendor info?
Did you checked payment tab in VM config? There you could see email related option.
Reorder then your product, pls.
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Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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thx !

i'm now trying to enter the savepath but in the thread they say to place the vmsafe dir at the same level as public_html. However my (eu) provider does use this, my structure consists of Root and nex level is httpdocs, httpsdocs, logs, private, subdomains, cgi-bin, anon_ftp  etc.   I created vmsafe on this level but it is not valid it seems. my website pages are under httpdocs...

where do i create my vmsafe path ?


Maxim Pishnyak

Create it near httpdocs, or at least under httpdocs.
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"This directory is best placed outside your Joomla root for security, when this is not possible give it some obscure unguessable name, such as wgettyty. Within this create a subdirectory called invoices."
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


thx for replies,

i managed to add the safepath, i don't get any error message anymore now.

My Vendor has an email but i still don't recieve any email when ordering...