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Cart Stays Empty

Started by dbclifford, September 05, 2013, 20:01:21 PM

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Hello all, thanks for taking the time to read this.

My problem:  I've created a simple Widget product and enter the site as a buyer.  I find the product, click on Add to Cart.  I get no pop-up at all and nothing is added to the cart, but I am brought to the Cart screen.  It shows the product, but doesn't tally the cost.  Additionally (and I give this only to help in figuring out my issue) there is no shipping method to apply.

If you wish to recreate the issue, please follow these steps:

Got to:
Click Stuff For Sale
Click Clothing
Click Widget
Click Add to cart
You will see the cart on the right still reads empty as well you will see the cart screen shows nothing as well.

My Site:
My Joomla Version:  2.5.14
My VirtueMart Version:  2.0.22c

I have a host of issues at this time and am concerned that my installation or initial configurations are to blame.  However in reading the notes posted by Jenkinhill, I am starting with this problem and it will hopefully point me in the direction to fix the rest myself.

Thanks again for your time!

Maxim Pishnyak

You web site loading two jquery.js. Having two jquery is BAD. Probably either your template, or K2 loads unnecessary copy of jquery. So get rid of it, pls.
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Thank you for such a quick reply, Maxim.

Well, because this is a new site that is not set to launch for a while, I can do most anything.  So, I UNINSTALLED K2 and changed everything back to the Beez5 template.  Unfortunately that did not stop the jquery from loading.

I am very new at this, but I take real good direction.  :)

So, if you know of someplace else I can look, I am happy to.  If you would like admin access to peruse, you are welcome to it, just let me know.


You must load the VirtueMart jQuery and associated scripts. It won't work without - and it looks like they are all turned off.  Avoid using too many flashy extras as they will almost always try to load their own scripts.

You must have a Joomla main menu link to the VirtueMart frontpage when starting to set up a store.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Hi Jenkinhill and thanks for your help.

So as not to have you write a tutorial on JQuery, could I trouble you for a link to somewhere I can read and learn a bit?  I appreciate all you folks help, but I don't want you to have to explain the world to me.  I'm happy to read through manuals and How To's.



Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


In reviewing my configuration, I seem to have the Jqueries loaded.

Using the VirtueMart CSS    - Checked
Using the VirtueMart jQuery - Checked
Using the product Scripts   - Checked
Using the Script ajax Countries / Regions - Checked
Use jQuery chosen for dropdowns in FE   - Checked
Use external google jQuery library    - NOT checked

Maxim Pishnyak

What 3rd party extensions do you have?
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Guys, thank you for your help.  I really appreciate it and am embarrassed to say that I wasted your time.  the problem was the Facebook Slider.  It was calling the google jquery.

I apologize for taking your time.