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constants instead of text as labels

Started by vicsam, August 22, 2013, 17:56:36 PM

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All over the VM 2.0.22b component pages I see constants as labels instead of the real text. For example - VM > Shop > Statistics - it shows:

active Products   
inactive Products:   
Featured Products   
Orders & Shoppers

New Orders
New Shoppers

How can I fix this problem? Thanks!


Seems there are some lines missing from the langage file en-GB.com_virtuemart_orders.ini  in your installation.  I assume your site langage is GB English?  You could write the text strings into the file yourself? 
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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I have another website and I just did an update to 2.0.22b and the mess is even bigger now because on this website even the frontend is messed. This is what I see at checkout:

Bill To















Displayed Name




Additional note to franzpeter's reply:

If you updated your language files from the provided link and your problem still exists, enable 'Debug System' and 'Debug Language' in Joomla Global Configuration temporarily. Then go to your problem pages, scroll to the bottom of the views and have a look at the language file reports to see if there is anything wrong.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I updated the language but the errors are still there.

Debug is giving me a red mark on:
**Parsing errors in language files**
JROOT/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_topofthepage.ini : error(s) in line(s) 6, 24

and also a bunch of **Untranslated Strings**

So the errors are language related... do I need to rewrite the translations manually?

Setting the website back to english did not solve the problem either.


Quote from: vicsam on August 25, 2013, 02:00:13 AM
**Parsing errors in language files**
JROOT/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_topofthepage.ini : error(s) in line(s) 6, 24

Parsing errors can prevent some following language files from being loaded. (BTW - you still didn't say which is your primary language).

en-GB.plg_system_topofthepage.sys.ini is not a VirtueMart language file, but belongs to the 'Top of the page' plugin. I just downloaded it and had a look at this language file. In my download this file has 7 lines including the header. And in line 6  \"Return to Top\"  the quotes are illegal characters in the string. See here: If you have an editor that allows to save the file encoded as 'utf-8 without BOM', you can replace the double quotes with single quotes or something like »Return to Top«.

The same error is in line 24 of the file en-GB.plg_system_topofthepage.ini

...send a note to the developer of this plugin and ask him to fix this mistake.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I have the same problem showing in 2 different websites - both with english as primary language.

In the website that I was considering more easy to fix because it had that parsing error in only one plugin, I did what you said, the parsing error is gone but the label problem is still there.

I also cleared the cache, re-installed joomla secondary language (pt-BR), re-installed VM, AIO and VM pt-BR - but with no luck :-( - same problem is still showing.

What else can I try now?


Do you have the problem in both english and brazilian languages? Looks like i.e. your ...\language\en-GB\en-GB.com_virtuemart_shoppers.ini or ...\language\pt-BR\pt-BR.com_virtuemart_shoppers.ini and possibly also ...\language\en-GB\en-GB.com_virtuemart_orders.ini  or ...\language\pt-BR\pt-BR.com_virtuemart_orders.ini are not loaded for some reason. You can check this again in Joomla debug.  If you look into these files, I bet the translations are there.

Which template do you use? Do the language strings show up if you temporarily switch to one of the Joomla default templates? Since VM 2.0.20 or older, many language strings were moved to the new language files (primarily the two mentioned above). Somebody mentioned today that certain templates do not catch the new language files.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Yes, now I can see a bunch of ini files missing (en-GB and pt-BR), the ones you said and also a few that should come with AIO.
I extracted the last VM zip and even a older version and I search for those files but without success.

Where do I get the missing files?


Using Language Overrides I can find the missing strings (COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_STATUS_PENDING - for example) and then just save it... but I have to manually do it for all missing strings.


You said in an earlier post that you updated your language files already. The english files are of course included with every new version of VirtueMart. The brazilian languages are also still supplied with the AIO installer. So if some backend ini files are missing, you can extract i.e the brazilian ones from the\admin\languageFE\pt-BR\ folder.

If you don't see them, let me know where you downloaded your VirtueMart version 2.0.22b. The language files are also available at the link franzpeter gave you in his reply.

If the files are located correctly in your Joomla frontend and backend language folders and Joomla language debug tells you that they are not loaded, please try a different template in order to be able to decide if it is a template related problem or not.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?