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(Solved) Redirect problem in the Shopping Cart

Started by Cotec, July 29, 2013, 21:49:56 PM

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On my site:  I am having a redirection problem.

Basiclly when you change the total number of an item, and or add a coupon it will redirect you to:

Which is not my cart, but an overview of my categories.

Any idea on how to fix this?



You have wrong link in popup window that fires than U add product to cart.
1) create menu link of type virtuemart front (You can create it in hidden menu)
2) create menu link of type virtuemart cart  (You can create it in hidden menu)
3) check that  template ovveride for cart is correct
Generally You have almost unlimited number of js on Your site try to reduce some.
You have mootools library, jquery , dojo, jquery plugins an more .... some of them included twice  :o
It looks like You have installed all of the extensions from joomla directory  :o
Remember gold rule, less extensions - more stable - less problems.
Good luck.
p.s. Do not forget to change message icon to Solved.


Quote3) check that  template ovveride for cart is correct

Where in the template is that? 


So I ended up just deleting the old Cart Links and adding new ones. Totally worked. Thanks for that idea!
