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Different template for product details page

Started by camble, June 06, 2013, 17:51:47 PM

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I have had a look through the site, done some searches too but I couldn't find what I am asking for.

Basically I have a template that I'm using for the shop, which has a side navigation (categories) etc, which is great, however for the product details page I'd like to have it full width (so lose the sidenav module).

I've had a read into overrides but I can't see how that'll help me in this case, so can anybody help me?

Kind regards


So you want to lose the modules published at the side for the product page? Make a menu item set to type "Product Details Layout"  - you can add this to a hidden menu module if you don't want to display the menu link itself - and associate your unwanted module(s) with all menu items except the new one..
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Hi Jenkinhill,
thank you for the quick response.

That kind of works, but when I choose the menu item type it asks me to select which product I should be using it for.
So if I choose Product A, for that product it's perfect but for all of the other products it still uses the default template.

Kind regards



Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Hello Hutson,
I've downloaded and installed Metamod (free version), however I'm a little unsure of how to use it to fix my problem.

Is there any chance you can point me in the right direction?

Kind regards


Try the free version, but I think you will be left with blank module on the sidebar as only the paide version gets rid of them completely if no content is in them.  But at least you can try first to see that you can get the module to work for you.

This will help you, but please read thoroughly and practice - I do not have time to do the work for you, but this is a great guide

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Bit of a delayed reply, but just wanted to say thank you as MetaMod Pro worked absolutely perfectly!



Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1