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Oh Bugger!

Started by authentic, June 02, 2013, 21:29:03 PM

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I have 2 small problems that are kinda driving me nuts.  Hoping someone can give me a hand.

My first problem is that I cant for the life of me find a way to change the dropdown that displays the number of results per page.  Right now its set to 1,2,3,4,10,20 which are basically useless to me.  Id like it to be 10, 20, 40, 80, 100 or at least something reasonable like this.

My second problem is that the fancy box seems to not display correctly.  I get the little Magnifying glass, but when clicked, it simply jumps to a blank page with the image.  Not exactly the desired result.  I assume there is some way to have it open in a nice popup window. 

You can see what I am talking about at

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me out here.


K&K media production

1. configuration -> templates -> "Set the pagination sequence for the List Box"

2. Sounds like a JS conflict. Maybe your template or other extensions uses JS which is not compatible with Virtuemart.


I get the image on click but would it not be better with a zoom image??  I can help if you want to do a zoom rather than a click (free of course!)

Using the cloudzoom feature no longer free but older version can still be found

chnages required to default_images.php
some css
and cloudzoom javascript loaded in your template (v 1.0.2 should still be free)

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Thank you for both replies.  I would be very willing to try the zoom thing out.  Not sure how to go about that though.  As for the JS conflict, I believe you are right.  I think the template I am using is a POS but its what my client wanted gk_bikestore = template.any ideas on how to trouble shoot the JS conflict?


Quote from: kkmediaproduction on June 02, 2013, 21:37:09 PM
1. configuration -> templates -> "Set the pagination sequence for the List Box"

:D Worked like a charm.  Thanks!!!!!  I must have looked over that page 100 times and never noticed that input window.  :-[

K&K media production

try to change the template to a default one ore disable step by step your 3rd party extensions to find the one which causes the problem


In firefox JS error console, I got this report.  It does in fact appear to be a JS error.
I am just not sure how to fix.

[18:25:58.074] Use of getAttributeNode() is deprecated. Use getAttribute() instead. @
[18:25:58.286] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information @
[18:25:58.292] An unbalanced tree was written using document.write() causing data from the network to be reparsed. For more information @
[18:25:58.506] TypeError: b.fancybox.init is not a function @
[18:25:59.802] Use of getAttributeNode() is deprecated. Use getAttribute() instead. @


Tried a different template with no luck. 
Also tried disabling all component items one at a time.  I was unable to do every one as things like k2 are used all over the site and causes site to crash if disabled, but all others i tried and no luck there either.


[18:25:58.074] Use of getAttributeNode() is deprecated. Use getAttribute() instead. @

I get this in my default templates and it does not cause an issue with any js on my page.

fancybox looks like not being loaded

Make sure you have jquerynoconflict loaded just after jquery loads

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


Make sure you have jquerynoconflict loaded just after jquery loads

How exactly do you do that (step by step)? Thanks!
Joomla! 2.5.28, PHP 5.4.36,  MoWebSo3.2.19

Maxim Pishnyak

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Joomla! 2.5.28, PHP 5.4.36,  MoWebSo3.2.19

Maxim Pishnyak

Erm. What is your specific issue? Do you have your problem after switching to standard Joomla template?
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