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How to remove STATES/PROVINCE properly?

Started by diogodac, March 24, 2013, 19:58:53 PM

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Hello, I know that they are on shopper field. but how can I remove than ans still validate the checkyou.. because I deleted / Unplubished and onyl get this:

QuotevmError: VmTable #__virtuemart_vendors_pt_br Check not passed. Neither slug nor obligatory value at vendor_store_name for auto slug creation is given - See more at: http://index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart#sthash.5E1UvJEi.dpuf

on the frontpage.. and the system wont choose the shipment metod.. so any idea?


The above error is more likely if you are logged in as a super admin on the frontend itself.

Try creating a standard shipping method that is avaliable in all countries and it should be it.