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Configuration Message re vendor

Started by alexwalker, March 20, 2013, 11:55:11 AM

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Info: Your Virtuemart installation contains an error: No user as marked as vendor. Please fix this in your phpMyAdmin and set #__virtuemart_vmusers.user_is_vendor = 1 and #__virtuemart_vmusers.virtuemart_vendor_id = 1 to one of your administrator users. Please update all users to be associated with virtuemart_vendor_id 1.

Can anyone explain what I need to do in phpadmin (notwithstanding the message above) in order to remove this display message? I have spent a long time migrating a Joomla 1.5 and VM 1.1.9 site with over 600 products and do not want to fall at the last hurdle.

The site works fine. Orders have been made and received.

Any suggestions please?


I had that error message using a non-standard admin userid for the vendor. There is now (2.0.20b) a facility in the backend to set a user as vendor. It is on the migration panel under Tools & migration. Just enter the shop owner/vendor's Joomla user ID and hit Set store owner. This fixed the message for me.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Not for me, i had the same thing, with the latest VM version (2.0.22a) but the error is the same, and i can't create child variant :(
Shop was ok until this afternoon, how can i do?


Maxim Pishnyak

Magev88, what solutions from above you actually tried yourself?
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It happens to me once and the above solutions does not work for me. Instead, following what the errors show in my Virtuemart panel, I go ahead and enter my PhpMyAdmin Database tool.

Look for the table _virtuemart_vmusers and click 'browse'. Inside it, you'll see one data exist. Go ahead and click the 'Edit' link.

Key in you particular details:
virtuemart_user_id : (depending on your Joomla Admin ID. In my case, the ID is 918)
virtuemart_vendor_id: (since my Joomla Admin ID is 918, here put 918)
user_is_vendor: key in '1'

Click the 'GO' button below and Viola! Solve my issue.

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Hi Azamki!.

The way you solved your problem it didn't worked for me. I finally fixed (or at least I think I have already fixed  :-\) using the Virtuemart- Tools- Migration - Tools - Migration - (New owner ID at the end of the web).

Anyway thank you!


why my "customer number" is NULL ?

[attachment cleanup by admin]

GJC Web Design

that is its default condition before set
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Is that mean that my vendor is not setted up properly?

GJC Web Design

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