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Steps to move from development server to live server

Started by jeffhoneyager, March 18, 2013, 16:54:56 PM

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I have built sites with VM 1.x.  This is the first 2.x install.

Previously I would create a site on a development server.  When complete I would use Akeeba to backup then restore it on the production server.

Finally, modify /public_html/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php

Change your shop URL, and your Secure URL to your new shop address.

line 33

// these path and url definitions here are based on the Joomla! Configuration
define( 'URL', ''; );
define( 'SECUREURL', ''; );

VM would work just fine.

What do I need to do with VM 2.
Peace & Joy,
Jeff Honeyager
...using VirtueMart since 2006


From my experience, basically the same, sans the (SSL) URL. VM usually just uses the hostname given without its own setting.

And you might have to adjust the safe path in VM and copy all files from the safe path (downloadable files for sale and invoices that you want to preserve) to the production server, since the safe path is supposed to be outside the web root and thus not included in the akeeba backup (one always needs to remember this when you rely on akeeba' s backups: Not all files needed for VM are included!).


I understand, the genesis of my question was there is no


there is a virtuemart.cfg but not the virtuemart.cfg.php

Peace & Joy,
Jeff Honeyager
...using VirtueMart since 2006


I just use Akeeba to move the entire site. Never had an issue, there is no VM config file that needs editing. Where the safepath uses a directory below root then that directory/path may need editing in VM Configuration/templates, but that is all.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thank you for the responses.

The new VM site will contain +20,000 items - so I wanted to cover as many issues as possible - before moving the site live.

Pax et Gaudium

Peace & Joy,
Jeff Honeyager
...using VirtueMart since 2006