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special fields hierarchy

Started by Pascal Wientjes, March 12, 2013, 21:02:23 PM

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Pascal Wientjes

hiya all im not super experienced withvirtue mart and try'd searching for this on google aswell as here on the forum and couldn't find it. So if this question is asked before please forgive me.

joomla 2.5.7 and virtuemart 2.0.18a

ok im trying to set up the virtuemart store for a client who wants to sell car parts. so the products need to be able to be filtered on car brand, model and motor type. we can't use the categories for that as the client already has categories he would like to see a hierarchy in. so i looked into the special fields as i found some extention that lets me filter based on special fields wich sounds awesome and the solution to my challenge. so ive been looking into special fields and was asking if there is a way to put a hierarchy in em

lets say:
field 0 group of fields
Field 1 has in a list: Audi Bmw and mercedes
Field 2 has in a list:  if bmw is selected e36 e46 etc etc.
Field 3 has in a list:  if bmw and e36 is selected  1.8, 2.0 2.0Turbo etc. etc.

if this is possible that would be awesome my clients could just add the special field and choose the car the product is for in the lists and the visitor would be able to filter products based on what car they own.



Check the PRO version of Custom Filters.
Use the Manufacturers for your brands (BMW,Audi)
and custom fields for the models the engine type or whatever feature you like.

They are also offering a setting to get the relevant options only after selecting a manufacturer.
Thats usefull for your case, to display teh filters progressively