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Sort product images in gallery better and category view click image

Started by gringo211985, February 13, 2013, 20:00:31 PM

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Hi there,

2 questions in 1 here :)

First I uploaded multiple images per product and when I get over 6 thumbnail images it create's a new line of thumbs, the spacing on them is really bad and it looks like 2 pictures combine into one. Please see image below

What I need to do is create an even spacing between the images. How can I do this?

Second question, when I view the category overview/all items and I click on an image it opens in a popup. How do I change it so that if someone clicks on the image it sends them to the product details page? (see image below again)

[attachment cleanup by admin]


You are using template overrides, I'd guess from a commercial template.   See

For the image spacing you could possibly add some padding to each image. Use Firebug:

And see the answer to your earlier post of this issue:   
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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