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shoping card freeze 2.0.18a

Started by konapaz, January 17, 2013, 13:42:47 PM

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Hi to everyone

I have a problem with virtuemart v2.0.18a

Everything works fine, but when I go to Shopping cart the link "continue shoping" redirect to same page (Shopping cart). This happen also when click on any category of VM - Category module.
In this case the only thing that I can do is the "check out now' or refresh "Quantity / Update" or display the product by product link on list cart

Whats wrong?
Thanks !



Do you mean online link to see yourself?



I tried it again and happens the same think

I tested joomla 2.5 + latest version of virtuemart without any modifies in another computer localhost and happens the same think..
I use php 5.3.5, wampserver and mysql 5.5.8.

the url is like localhost/joomla_eshop/.... but also I tried it on online server

Please help!


The only way that anyone can help is with a live site url - so the problem can be seen.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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