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help needed Disable top page navigation & recently viewed working

Started by avpfilms, December 08, 2012, 21:53:32 PM

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I have been puliing my hair out for days trying to get two real simple things worked out on the migration to 2.0.14 and Joomla 2.5 from a site I have working fine. 

1st is to just get the top page navigation off of the category browsing pages and the second to get recently viewed items.

The 1.5 version is here

The 2.5 and VM 2.0.14 I'm having issues with is here

I have been searching high and low for the file to modify to simply remove the page navigation from the header of the category view leaving only the search pulldowns and keeping the page navigation on the bottom.  If anyone out there has had to to this, it would be greatly appreciated if you could reply with what to remove from what file.

The second issue is that the recently viewed function just flat isn't working, I can not for the life of me figure out why, it is activated within VM config.  Any help on that matte would be greatly appreciated.

Also, if anyone knows how to tell the product details layout to make the image a specific size all the time, that guidance would be greatly appreciated.

I've searched high and low to see if there's anything related to the above and not finding anything with regards to VM 2.0.14

Thank you in advance

Peter Pillen

to help you along for your first issue (and preventing you from going completely bald)... if you are using the standard VM category template -> /components/com_virtuemart/views/category/tmpl/default.php

look @line 175 for this and add the green codes

<div class="orderby-displaynumber">
   <div class="width70 floatleft">
      <?php echo $this->orderByList['orderby']; ?>
      <?php echo $this->orderByList['manufacturer']; ?>
<? /*
   <div class="width30 floatright display-number"><?php echo $this->vmPagination->getResultsCounter ();?><br/><?php echo $this->vmPagination->getLimitBox (); ?></div>
   <div class="vm-pagination">
      <?php echo $this->vmPagination->getPagesLinks (); ?>
      <span style="float:right"><?php echo $this->vmPagination->getPagesCounter (); ?></span>

   <div class="clear"></div>
</div> <!-- end of orderby-displaynumber -->


Thank you sooo much!  Yes it appears that you have fended off the baldness that was surely headed my way!   that made the navigation go away!  I really appreciate it!  Just noticed, that VM will only recognize the default.php regardless of choosing an alternate from the same tmpl folder.  Haven't had any luck with it recognizing a custom template in the templates folder, but, man, thank you again for the help!

Peter Pillen

Quote from: avpfilms on December 08, 2012, 23:46:12 PMJust noticed, that VM will only recognize the default.php regardless of choosing an alternate from the same tmpl folder.

That's correct. You need to let virtuemart know to use the other template for the categories. You can do this in virtuemart -> configuration -> templates , and from the drop down menu with the name category template, select the name of your template.

But first you need to make sure that in your template, there is a folder (folderstructure) for your custom category view. So in your template folder /templates/*your template*/ you just create the following folders html/com_virtuemart/category/. Then you paste the default.php (from /components/com_virtuemart/views/category/tmpl/default.php which you now have modified) to this new folder in your template. This way, you don't have correct the default virtuemart template each time there is an update from virtuemart and you are able to further adapt the file to your needs.

For your product image, virtuemart also uses these template structures for the productdetails. I recommend you use firebug to see which css file and css class is implemented on your images in de detailed view. In my case, the product images are handled with class="product-image" and if I adapt the css style for this class, my image size can be adapted. For example adding the line max-width:200px; insures that my main image never exceeds 200 pixels.