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PHP Help - Consecutive Numbering

Started by CMYKreative, October 16, 2012, 09:16:05 AM

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I'm trying to hide some specific <tr> rows on the registration form that are not needed, but there is no way to 'target' them as it uses the same piece of coding to create all the rows.

What we have at the moment is:

      echo '   <table  class="adminForm user-details">' . "\n";
      $_table = true;
       echo '      <tr>' . "\n";
       echo '         <td class="key" title="'.$_field['description'].'" >' . "\n";
       echo '            <label class="' . $_field['name'] . '" for="' . $_field['name'] . '_field">' . "\n";
       echo '               ' . $_field['title'] . ($_field['required'] ? ' *' : '') . "\n";

Where the td class is simply called "key" and all td are then called the same. We are trying to add in some consecutive lettering functionality so that each row then gets labelled with a consecutive number.

We've tried adding this into the top of the page:

// array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i');
foreach (range('a', 'z') as $letter)
Which does generate consecutive letters, and then this change to the code:

       echo '         <td class="key td-id-'.$letter.'" title="'.$_field['description'].'" >' . "\n";

Any thoughts on how to get this to work?

Thanks in advance!


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Thanks jenkinhill, but I can't do that as the only thing that defines them is the 'key' class . . . much easier to simply add an additional ID to the rows and hide as needed I would have thought.