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What's the registration page address now? shop.registration...

Started by kona333, October 16, 2012, 06:38:03 AM

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Just need the address to the registration page so users can register separately from the checkout.

This used to work, doesn't seem to work in VM2.0:

What's the new address? Surely there must be one...


Use a Joomla menu link to see this - make menu item type VirtueMart/Account Maintenance

That's as close as you can get with VM2; it has the com_login form at the top of the page followed by the registration form.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Yeah that's what I've got. Unfortunately the client doesn't want the logins at top, especially as it talks about checking out and makes no sense.

I just need a simple registration page, it's quite unbelievable that the developers would completely ditch a standalone registration page.

I guess if that doesn't work I'll have to somehow duplicate the user/edit.php template, strip the logins out and that might work. If I can figure out how to have VM recognise it as a page, since just renaming it and pointing to index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&layout=edit_NOLOGIN didn't work. How do I have VM recognise a new layout file?


Sweet solved it.

I removed the call to login at the top of user/edit.php, which then removed it from both my Register and Account pages, but then I simply put a login module back into the top of the Account page which redirected to itself once logged in. Problem solved.

Only screws up if you try to register when already signed in, because you end up back on the account page.