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Bill to / Ship to user fields

Started by roclok, October 08, 2012, 22:22:24 PM

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I've been searching through the forum and haven't found an answer yet so hopefully someone out there can help me out.  In the cart and on the email confirmation I'd like the bill to and ship to areas to only display the following user fields:

Company (if inputed)
City, State Zip

Normally I believe these would be the only fields that show except I had to add some additional user fields that specifically meet our needs.  For example: Where did you hear about our product? It's confusing that when a selection from this field is made it shows up in the bill to section.

Company (if inputed)
City, State Zip

It seems like I should be able to specify the fields that I want displayed by hacking the default_pricelist.php file, but I am really novice (a graphic designer trying to figure all this out on my own) If anyone has found a hack to fix this issue before and can share it with me I'd REALLY appreciate it. I need to get our new site live in the next couple weeks and this particular issue needs to be fixed be for I can do that.

I read a previous post in the forum about fixing the issue of user fields in subsequent versions of VM2 but there was no indication of when that might commence. Please Help!