How to display a children list in the parent product details layout ?

Started by zzam, September 28, 2012, 14:11:59 PM

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Hi everybody !

First of all sorry for my bad english  :-\

I have to update a customer website into J1.5 (with VM 1.1.4) to J2.5 (with VM 2.0.10).

This website is a music store (

Everything is ok, but I got a very big problem with the new VM 2 configuration !

In the past, with VM 1, it was possible to integrate the children elements in a list displayed in the parent product (in admin : Parent product > display option > "Use List box for child products")
It was always given the possibility to add multiple cart for each children (option : "add to cart button for each children") and add a quantity box for each of them...

(please take a look to the attachment picture)

The result was great in fronted (customer website exemple) =>

I don't found how to make the same configuration with VM 2.0...

It's absolutely necessary for me (and my customer) to have the same configuration with VM2 and joomla 2.5, I hope that someone have a solution ? (better without any hack of VM2) !

Thank you for your help !


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