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order_number before order_done

Started by Kub, September 18, 2012, 10:00:33 AM

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can i build the order_number before order_done?  ???

best regards



i think this is not possible because, the oder_number is generated after the customer hit the order button.
If you generate the order_number before then, it can happend that you generate numbers for nothing.

In every Shop you have people what is starting the Oder but don't make it to the end and when you generate it befog you will get maby a lot of DB Listing for nothing.

Why do you need this?



i think this is the Problem.

If the Customer buy with Sofortueberweisung or Creditdard, we will the payment before the Order is in System.
1. Custumer select Product and go to Cart
2. Customer select all Options and buy with Creditcard
3. now is Order done and the Customer can pay with the Creditfields
4. now the Problem, disconnect iNet, now we have a Order, but the Customer cant pay with Creditcard

i pay before the Order is done, its run, but better i have a order_number (identification_number) for payment_method.

Hope you understand, my english is bad.