How to customize code to have exact look like here and to have those buttons

Started by zorro lee, September 11, 2012, 21:16:18 PM

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zorro lee

Hello, Im new here, I want to have exact look of virtuemart product categories view and products view like hrere: how to do that? Especially how to add those buttons on right to change view when it is clicked.


Hi zorro lee,

The easiest response I can give you is to buy the template.

Otherwise if you want to do it on your own, you will need to use template overrides, know PHP, CSS and possibly some jQuery. A good understanding of Firebug/Inspector to grab the styles from that site... and some time (possibly a lot).
I'm not sure if you were expecting a step by step, guided response?

zorro lee

Quote from: ivus on September 12, 2012, 10:41:13 AM
Hi zorro lee,

The easiest response I can give you is to buy the template.

Otherwise if you want to do it on your own, you will need to use template overrides, know PHP, CSS and possibly some jQuery. A good understanding of Firebug/Inspector to grab the styles from that site... and some time (possibly a lot).
I'm not sure if you were expecting a step by step, guided response?

Hi :) No I dont need step by step explanation and I don't need taht template as well, I just want ideas how to: first of all put gumbs in category view to switch from one to other view  like in that template, or if someone did that before and want to share or sell modifications.

140$ is to high price for a little modification in default.php views. I alredy have some Ideas, but not ready to waste time trying out and learnin from my own experiance. :) It would be very good idea to put those gumbs on catergory layout in virtuemart for future. If visitor prefers one view layout he can switch pressing right button :) Im not novice in php, css, and I never did jQuery modifications before.

Does anyone except template monster did those modifications before?


Hi zorro lee,

Sorry about that... I miss read your post.

I actually built that exact same thing for my client using the following jQuery tutorial.

I also used jquery.cookies.js to retain the view state for when users jumped between categories.

Have a play around with it and see how you go. It works perfectly in the CATEGORY view if you modify the "/components/com_virtuemart/views/category/tmpl/default.php" page.

Good luck  ;)

zorro lee

Many thanks Ivus, that is just I'm talking about. Are you ok to sell or share that modifications in jQuery and default.php and save my time? All I need is those 3 buttons like on that template monster theme. If you are ok with that you can let me now and / or email me or let me know about price. If not I'll play with that for my self a bit and after while I will figure out and will have those buttons on my site.


Hi zorro lee,

FYI. I just saw this topic:

avanti attached a screenshot of his/her website and it looks like the theme includes what you want to achieve. Perhaps PM avanti and ask what the name of the theme is.