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need help

Started by Landi20, August 01, 2012, 21:42:44 PM

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 i need help to change my virtual market to online shop of item for a game
i have to make a little game to my project school



do you need help with VirtueMart or the little game? or school?

What kind of help are you after? You'll need to elaborate a little bit more.


with virtual mark
i have to do a game for project in school
i have to do a item shop


Hi Landi20,

Yes I understood you the first time around. Repeat yourself won't get us any closer to solving your issue.

QuoteWhat kind of help are you after? You'll need to elaborate a little bit more.

Be more specific...

I need help to change my VirtueMart online shop to sell items for a game?, but I...

  • don't know how to code PHP, jQuery and don't know how to restyle my shop
  • don't know how to set up a development environment to run my site
  • don't know where to begin
  • want someone else to do it for me and get an A++ grade

Don't take these words to heart... us Aussies are somewhat sarcastic, but in all seriousness, you need to tell us where you're having issues?

;D <- big smiley face means everything is fine...


QuoteI need help to change my VirtueMart online shop to sell items for a game?, but I...
don't know how to code PHP, jQuery and don't know how to restyle my shop
don't know how to set up a development environment to run my site
don't know where to begin
want someone else to do it for me and get an A++ grade

Don't take these words to heart... us Aussies are somewhat sarcastic, but in all seriousness, you need to tell us where you're having issues?

when the payment is accept the item the player buy go to characters
to Be more specific like this website;jsessionid=44124c67972ad39cfc0089100f41
and i want only tell me what files i need to change
only and i don´t want someone do the project for me  i only want someone tell-me where file i have to start
i have the table to do what i want
i have to change the file cart to make i want
how i disable the shipment method and the Ship To



OK right... Hard to instruct as I don't know how you've set up your store.

Joomla version? VirtueMart version?

I'm not sure you can disable the shipment method... well at least not very easily as I've read a lot of the same issue on this forum.

So you've set the item as products, what are the characters setup as? And how are they linked to the user/buyer/player?


Joomla! 2.5.6  and VirtueMart 2.0.8c


there were other questions in the previous post


when the payment of the item  is accept it´s send to player
i have to change the data base to



QuoteSo you've set the item as products, what are the characters setup as? And how are they linked to the user/buyer/player?

OK so is it file downloads? that need to be sent to the user/buyer/player



OK this is taking too long... I was expecting an answer that consisted of more than just a yes.

There's 3 three questions there?

The more information you can tell me the easier it is going to be to help you.


yes it is a file download and is have to be sent to player buyer
to buy i item the player have to have suficent credits
and this credits is buy to real money
and how put i photo in Currency and not a simbol
i have to create a new method of payment  to my virtualmarket
someone can help-me


someone can help-me
?????? and my php version is 5.3.9


the character is the player
and this character have a inventory