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RESOLVED Any USA-based state sales tax extensions for 2.x available?

Started by BoiceNet, July 29, 2012, 03:17:08 AM

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I need to configure my VM 2.0.8e (Joomla 2.5.6) storefront to display pricing without tax in the product display and to only apply/display a tax for USA Illinois-based buyers during checkout. I was surprised to find that this was not a feature already included in VM 2.x.

Can anyone assist me with finding an extension or possibly making some VM edits in order to properly handle USA-based state sales tax? I'm unable to go live without being able to handle USA state taxes properly.

Thank you!


Hi I'm not a us citizen but I can see the USA and Illinois and a tax set up quite easily for your state.

It will only apply when the customer - registers as an Illinois (resident) or when they add their address at the end or the shopping cart?  This is part of VM already?

*  In image one I just used any state as an address
*  Image two I use Illinois - and it added the tax?
*  In image three is the tax - you just use usa currency.

worked for me - guest or registered person

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Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it. It appears I may be mistaken about the USA sales tax. I had set up the Rule with "Tax per product" instead of "Tax per bill". Looks like I may have chosen the wrong Type of Arithmetic Operation. I'll try configuring using the Tax per bill option as you did.



Just changed the settings for a single product for testing and I'm still seeing the tax applied to the product for non-registered visitors. Not sure what I'm missing.

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Must have been an issue with the sample products entries as well - I'm using a custom template with sample data.

When I configured Tax per Bill and entered a new product, VM sales taxes worked as desired.