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Why is the new VM so frustrating?!?!?!!?!

Started by pushthepixel, July 27, 2012, 22:17:21 PM

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I do NOT understand what the developers were thinking. Between the modules dissapearing on product pages, horrible grammar throughout for English, difficult upgrades, spotty CSS...its a nightmare! The older version was so much easier.

For example, today I learned that if you click on a product, then on the product's manufacturer, then view all that Manufacturers products, the bloody system goes mental and a) removes all other modules assigned to that page and b) puts the category lists first before the products! WHAT THE HELL IS THE LOGIC IN THAT???

I think VM really needs somebody to step in and make it more user friendly. Somebody that thinks from the user point of view. I shouldn't have to be a full on coding ninja to make this system work, nor should I have to install plugins and mods to to retain logical functionality.

REALLY frustrated with this. The old version seemed so much better...


modules in joomla have to do with the itemid in the url.

Meta mod works well to combat this

I actually code my template for vmart pages and modules


Thats cool and all that, but it misses the point. I shouldn't HAVE to install all that stuff, nor should I have to mod the system just to get the obviously logical things to work. This version just seems full of things that make no obvious sense, and its far more difficult to use.



Hi I am using version 2.0.8e I have never noticed the manufacturer link as you say - but yes that appears the incorrect in the way it links back and then the logical setup. "showing categories first?" then the product.

There are some issues with the Language in the back end - and VM always welcomes the support of fixing the language problems. However there was a difficulty with , English, US and Australian interpretations of language. In recent times some of these were changed to different versions. eg Kilogram , kilogramme The other problem is sometimes describing something in "computer language" and English.   Could you list a few and I might pass them on.

In regards to set ups - I have no hacks in my store - My template is a simple basic one modified with a new heading - as new templates come on board I'm sure they will test their downloadable version to see if there are clashes.

If you can could you post here and just post an item at a time it really helps :

Especially if you are using version 2.0.8 e (or the next versions are) as this is where the first port of call for new test versions are. In the post heading write ""2.0.8 e problem with .......................""



I am facing an issue due to addtocart button.

When i click it..Nothing happens

Please help me Its very urgent :(

I am using joomla 1.5.0 and virtuemart 2.0.8 e



Joomla 1.5 ? - these issues would be related to that version. you need to update. even 1.5.26

really the code has moved so fast - If this is a new installation 2.5.6 would be much better option to test.


Hi pushthepixel, and John2400 are correct.

You're taking your frustration out at the wrong thing. Your issues lie in Joomla! fundamentals not VM. VM views cannot and has never in my knowledge been able to affect module placement. In fact Joomla as a whole creates a separation between component views and modules which is why it's so difficult to include one into another (module inside components).

So please just take it easy.
