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New User - No 'Add to Basket' Button

Started by Gman1108, July 26, 2012, 19:22:52 PM

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Hello all,

First time I've installed and used VM so please bear with me as I might well be asking some pretty dumb questions....Here goes.

I've just installed VM 2.0.8e, install;ll went just fine.

I've setup some test categories, couple of items to sell, entered pretty much all the detail I need in each tab.

I now see my tow items but there's no 'Add to basket' button. What am I missing?

The setting for catalogue isn't set, so I know it's not that.

Can anyone give me a steer as to where I might be missing something, please?

Many Thanks,



Quick update...

I noticed one posting said to check the pdf setting in product description, I've set that to default now.

But, something I omitted to ell you...when I hit product details, I get presented a new page but it's blank!

Any ideas?

Thank you


Can anyone help at all?

Maybe even a guide with what needs to be setup in initialliy to get me off the ground?
