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Changing font size on registration and address page.

Started by dj55b, July 06, 2012, 22:42:45 PM

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Hi Guys,

Just wondering how to change the font size show in here. Its way too big, and looks unprofessional.

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Forgot to mention, using VM 2.0.8, and joomla 1.5


use firebug to see which style it is calling and then change the font-size: to something else.


Ive never used firebug, but looking it up on google chrome, I can see the coding and where it needs to be changed. I just don't know how to locate that specific file.

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in your panel of chrome on the right side it says template.css or any other css. It also tells you the line. SO all you need to do is open that css file in that line and change it to what you saw you need to do in the front-end.
Let me know how it goes.

oh and to access the virtuemart css file go to components/com_virtuemart/assets/vmsite-ltr.css
and your template should be here - templates/YOURTEMPLATE/.....css or another subfolder and template.css
Make sure you do an override - see here;


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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