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Manual Product ordering - changing after save

Started by ncopeman, June 25, 2012, 20:38:43 PM

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Hi all, this may be a minor bug in 2.0.6 I've had a quick search on the forum but can't seem to find much. Apologies if this has already been covered.

I've set my products to manual order and have three categories. I select the category to order and work away ordering the products, either using the blue arrows or by entering a number and hitting save.

This works great - until I edit a product. Then it gets messy. The ordering is lost in that product, It may go to number 1, number 11, number 13 and to get it back to say 4 is a complete nightmare. The blue buttons either move it or don't - there's no rhyme or reason as to where it decides to place it, and manually entering a number doesn't do much either.... I end up having to reorder all of my products to get it back into the correct place...

If the product is featured in another category (some are in three categories) then I need to reorder every category. I've told my client not to touch the products as it takes hours to re-order them.

Help me Obi-One you're my only hope. 


I'm using 2.0.8a (joomla 2.5.6) and have the exact same problem. Have tried various incantations to see if it would save in the right manually numbered order and it doesn't.
Awaiting direction on this from the o'mighty virutemart team of coders.


Does anyone have a solution to this? Its now causing us major problems!


Same problem here. Virtuemart is a mess. I cant wait for the zoo ecommerce component to come out


Same problem too. we can't order our products as we like so it makes our shop very messy and confusing. I have searched for hours on a solution for this and it seems there isn't one.
Very disappointing as how basic is product ordering?
Has anyone found a solution, please??


so does anyone have a link we can look at? it's a bit hard otherwise to find a solution or even identify an issue without a working example?


It's difficult to post a link as predominantly the issue is in the backend when ordering products manually.

Although I have not tested this with vm 2.10 - it may have been fixed


Very frustrating to say the least, Many many posts with the ordering issue and no resolution? Not even a hint?
Joomla Web Development, Hosting and site management


This issue has since been fixed with the latest updates. If you're still having problems - backup and update.