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Invoice number

Started by SilverApe, May 23, 2012, 10:53:12 AM

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Hi all,

I am dutch and in the netherlands the invoice number has to be ascending (like F100001 F100002 or 2012-001 2012-002).
I have virtuemart 2.0.7.b and Joomla 2.5.4

Now the invoice numbers are a random number, can i change this? I could not find anything on invoice numbers.

Any help is welcome.



We have solved it by using VM invoice made by Artio. It has many useful improvements for direct invoicing from VM. But we are still in beta with our new shop, so i could not tell you long-time experience.


Hmmm thanks, it's a shame that it is not possible with virtuemart alone. I will have a look at VM invoice.

thanks for your help! :)



I have now created such a plugin, which allows the shop owner to change the order number, order password and invoice number at will:

The format is given as a text string, where [...] is understood as a variable and replaced by its value (e.g. [year] by the current year).

The running counter is indicated by #. The counter can be configured to be global (e.g. not reset each year/month/..) or a separate counter for each year/month/...
If you only want the order number as a running count, the format is simply '#' (without the quotes). If you want to prefix the order/invoice numbers by the year or year+month then the format it simply '[year]-#' or '[year2][month]#'...
There are many more possibilities in the plugin!

I hope you like the plugin and it does what you need.