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VirtueMart 2 Theme (works with your current joomla template)

Started by Eugen S., May 10, 2012, 15:24:25 PM

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Eugen S.

Quote from: franzpeter on January 11, 2013, 17:19:01 PM
About the potential bug I wrote:
Found another bug, but I do not know if it is a theme bug or a VM 2 bug. If a customer tries to login and uses an incorrect password or name for login, the customer receives a blank page instead of an information telling that the password or the name was wrong.

It was not a bug. It was a problem with a plugin. The plugin did prevent mootools from loading. Obviously Joomla 2.5 needs moo tools for Joomla user registration forms. Removing the plugin did solve the problem. So it had nothing to do with VM 2 or shoplicious theme!

thx for clarification.
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I am considering buying your theme but would like to understand the behaviour of Category layout 3 (List). I would like to add the add to cart  and quantity (plus up / down arrows) for each product.  Has this been done?  Can it be done easily?  Preferably I do not wish to have page refreshes after adding to the cart as I will have many products listed in rows without the necessity of drill down.  The shopper will just change quantity and add to cart.  Move down, change quantity and add to cart.

I found some threads in this forum which show how to do it

Do these work in this theme?

Thanks very much

Eugen S.

Quote from: xpozay on January 14, 2013, 10:07:55 AM
I am considering buying your theme but would like to understand the behaviour of Category layout 3 (List). I would like to add the add to cart  and quantity (plus up / down arrows) for each product.  Has this been done?  Can it be done easily?  Preferably I do not wish to have page refreshes after adding to the cart as I will have many products listed in rows without the necessity of drill down.  The shopper will just change quantity and add to cart.  Move down, change quantity and add to cart.

I found some threads in this forum which show how to do it

Do these work in this theme?

Thanks very much

The add to cart Button can be activated. At the moment it requires a code change. Its easy - just removing 2 signs like " /* " and " */ ".

Regarding refreshes after adding to the cart it behaves like the default VirtueMart views.
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Thanks for your response.  I purchased the theme and install OK - quite simply and as your video.  I started setting up for my preferred look and the first thing for me was setting up category layout list.  I cannot see how to do this.  In fact, I even looked at your demo website for the url link that you use but when I use that in my site it goes immediately back to the front page.  eg.

/index.php/vm-front-page/vm-category-layout-3 redirects to /index.php?option=com_virtuemart

your url /index.php/vm-category-layout-3 gives me a 404

Also, I tried looking at creating a new menu item but there is no vm view called list

How do I link in the category list-3?

Also I started looking to see where I could remove */* could only find something vaguely appropriate html/virtuemart/theme/grids/products/list.php, is this the file you are referring to?



Eugen S.

Quote from: xpozay on January 15, 2013, 16:04:39 PM
Thanks for your response.  I purchased the theme and install OK - quite simply and as your video.  I started setting up for my preferred look and the first thing for me was setting up category layout list.  I cannot see how to do this.  In fact, I even looked at your demo website for the url link that you use but when I use that in my site it goes immediately back to the front page.  eg.

/index.php/vm-front-page/vm-category-layout-3 redirects to /index.php?option=com_virtuemart

your url /index.php/vm-category-layout-3 gives me a 404

Also, I tried looking at creating a new menu item but there is no vm view called list

How do I link in the category list-3?

Also I started looking to see where I could remove */* could only find something vaguely appropriate html/virtuemart/theme/grids/products/list.php, is this the file you are referring to?




please open the category in backend. At the bottom you can set the layout for this category. Choose "list".
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mmm sorry for the that, was looking for something much harder - perhaps I have too busy trying to get everything else going.

I am still struggling with the other part of the message - ie getting add to cart in the category list view:

What I have learned:
- /html/com_virtuemart/themes/default/category/list_start.php has one line echo $this->loadTemplate('products') which displays the code.  The loadtemplate function didn't seem to help me
- removing your theme and editing components/com_virtuemart/views/category/tmpl/default.php as per this thread  will add in the quantity and add-to-cart which is what I want
- as soon as I put your theme in, it overrides the hack above - which makes sense
- replaced default.php in  /html/com_virtuemart/category/default.php
- followed list_products.php through gridstructure in the mowebso libraries ....

I am struggling to see how to take that code to place into your theme.  Earlier you mentioned this is already built in and I just need to uncomment it somewhere.  I have searched high and low for this tracing language files and scripts etc.... :(

Appreciate any assistance you can provide.

Thanks again

Eugen S.

We included the add to cart button on category view for our VirtueMart theme. Download the latest version. Its disable by default but we can enable it with a little code change. Very simple.

Bonus: VirtueMart Theme with add to cart button on category view

1) please open a category in your VirtueMart backend. At the bottom you can choose the category layout in an option box.

2) Please open:
/templates/ your template /html/com_virtuemart/themes/grids/products/ your_layout.php

If you use the default category view - your_layout.php = centered.php

Remove " /* " in Line 113 and " */ " in Line 180
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That worked great.  Thanks very much for that.

A matter of completeness I had to remove type  input type = "hidden"

$html.=             '<input type="hidden" class="quantity-input" name="quantity[]" value="1"/>';

to show the quantity box.  IMO it is more logical to show this be default considering there are up and down arrows otherwise we never know how many times we push the arrows.

I am trying to do one more thing, I am not sure if this is something you are looking at doing or not or perhaps you can point in the correct direction.  Previously, in VM1 I had a the same view and when I added to cart, it used pop-up; add to cart in my module; and then allowed me to keep going without refreshing the page.  I guess this was using Ajax to perform.  Are you looking at adding this same functionality?  If yes, approximately when? 

Thanks for your help

Eugen S.

Quote from: xpozay on January 18, 2013, 04:48:45 AM
That worked great.  Thanks very much for that.

A matter of completeness I had to remove type  input type = "hidden"

$html.=             '<input type="hidden" class="quantity-input" name="quantity[]" value="1"/>';

to show the quantity box.  IMO it is more logical to show this be default considering there are up and down arrows otherwise we never know how many times we push the arrows.

I am trying to do one more thing, I am not sure if this is something you are looking at doing or not or perhaps you can point in the correct direction.  Previously, in VM1 I had a the same view and when I added to cart, it used pop-up; add to cart in my module; and then allowed me to keep going without refreshing the page.  I guess this was using Ajax to perform.  Are you looking at adding this same functionality?  If yes, approximately when? 

Thanks for your help

At the moment the default VirtueMart box appears after clicking on add to cart button which ask you to continue shopping or going to cart.

We have a cart module in mind but I can`t tell you a date. Hope to finish it within a month.

The default VirtueMart cart module works with our VirtueMart theme.
Send me a pm ;-)


A problem with the nice shoplicous theme and the other modules from developing and design are the different package installations, i.e. lib-mowebso and plg_mowebso. I use the shoplicious theme together with the Product Slideshow and the social buttons. It is obvious, that all those installations use different lib and plg. So for example if you have already installed the slideshow and the theme, the social buttons do install an older version of the lib and plg, which does not work or does not work very well together with the newer theme and the Slideshow.
So my question is: Does the theme and the extensions need different libs and plugins in the Joomla library and plugin folder or should that code be the same for all of those extensions and the extension itself in the module folder or the theme folder a.s.o. contain the different code additions to operate? Or to explain it in an easier way: is the lib and the plugin different or should it be the same in case of the library and plugin folder of the Joomla installation?

Eugen S.


the library and plugin are always the same. In the past we work a lot on the library and thats why it could happen, that you had an extension which used an older version.

Right now we are on a good level and dont have to make basic changes.

There is an easy solution. Whenever you experience a problem with two extension please make sure you are using the latest version of both extensions.

We are working on a better download area with versioning und mail notifications on updates for extensions you use. We know we can do a lot better in this case.
Send me a pm ;-)

Danny Poole

Quote from: xpozay on January 18, 2013, 04:48:45 AM
That worked great.  Thanks very much for that.

A matter of completeness I had to remove type  input type = "hidden"

$html.=             '<input type="hidden" class="quantity-input" name="quantity[]" value="1"/>';

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to get the quantity input box to show the minimun quantity set up in the product like it does in the details view, I replaced the

$html.=             '<input type="hidden" class="quantity-input" name="quantity[]" value="1"/>';
with this...
$html.=             '<input type="text" class="quantity-input js-recalculate" name="quantity[]" value="<?php echo $minOrderLevel ?>" />';

but it doesn't seem to work. I have also tried the following I found in another post...
<input type="text" class="quantity-input js-recalculate" name="quantity[]" value="<?php if (isset($product->min_order_level) && (int) $product->min_order_level 0) {
" />';

but still no luck.

Can you please help?
Currently using VM3.0.6 on Joomla 3.4 PHP 5.4.30

Eugen S.


please open the following file:
/templates/ your template /html/com_virtuemart/themes/grids/products/centered.php

In line 153 - 161 you will find the wollowing code snippet:

// Output: Quantity Controls

//$html.=         '<span class="quantity-box">';
$html.=             '<input type="hidden" class="quantity-input" name="quantity[]" value="1"/>';
//$html.=         '</span>';
//$html.=         '<span class="quantity-controls">';
//$html.=             '<input type="button" class="quantity-controls quantity-plus"/>';
//$html.=             '<input type="button" class="quantity-controls quantity-minus"/>';
//$html.=         '</span>';

replace it with:

// Output: Quantity Controls

$html.=         '<span class="quantity-box">';
$html.=             '<input type="text" class="quantity-input" name="quantity[]" value="1"/>';
$html.=         '</span>';
$html.=         '<span class="quantity-controls">';
$html.=             '<input type="button" class="quantity-controls quantity-plus"/>';
$html.=             '<input type="button" class="quantity-controls quantity-minus"/>';
$html.=         '</span>';
Send me a pm ;-)

Danny Poole

Hi, thank you for your reply. I had found that already and the quantity controlls are visable on the category view but what I needed to do was make the input field grab the minimum quantity rather than the set value="1".
Currently using VM3.0.6 on Joomla 3.4 PHP 5.4.30

Danny Poole

QuoteHi, thank you for your reply. I had found that already and the quantity controlls are visable on the category view but what I needed to do was make the input field grab the minimum quantity rather than the set value="1".
Hi was there any progress on this? getting the correct minimum quantity to show in the category view rather than the default value="1"
Currently using VM3.0.6 on Joomla 3.4 PHP 5.4.30