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Virtuemart auto-update fails - please help to solve! Thanks!

Started by Yannick, April 20, 2012, 19:20:56 PM

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Hello guys,

all your help is needed. As you have probably noticed already, the VM auto-updater does not really reliable.

The problem is very complex because each server and each installation may have different settings. So let's try to help the Virtuemart-team with this thread to find what´s the reason of this crazy issues.

All what you need to do is, if you also have the live-update problems, that you post the following informations of your server settings and your systen in this thread.

I will update the first post of the thread a few times a day, so the Virtuemart-team can take the essential data, without reading the whole post and the discussion.


These informations are required:
a) Server system
b) PHP-version
c) SQL-version
d) memory_limit
e) max_execution_time
f) Exact Joomla! version
g) Exact Virtuemart version BEFORE update
h) Exact Virtuemart version of the update you want to
i) Displayed error message
j) Any not writable directory Permissions?
k) Optional: Any other info?

Here the first data from our systems as an example:

a) Apache/2.2.21 (Linux)
b) PHP/5.2.17
c) MySQL-Client-Version: 5.1.39
d) memory_limit = 50M
e) max_execution_time = 90
f) 2.5.4
g) 2.0.2
h) 2.0.6
i) Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.
j) all writeable
k) none

a) Apache/2.2.21 (Linux)
b) PHP/5.2.17
c) MySQL-Client-Version: 5.1.39
d) memory_limit = 50M
e) max_execution_time = 90
f) 2.5.4
g) 2.0.4
h) 2.0.6
i) Unable to decompress data / Extracting the update package failed.
j) all writeable
k) bz2 und zip extension

a) Apache/2.0.63 (Unix)
b) PHP/5.3.2 DAV/2
c) 5.1.44
d) memory_limit = 512M
e) max_execution_time = 300
f) 2.5.4
g) 2.0.2
h) 2.0.6
i) Unable to decompress data / Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.
j) all writeable
k) none

Where can you find the data?

Virtuemart Core (2 possibilities to find it)
---> Please go to your Virtuemart dashboard and look at the bottom of the page at the left hand side
---> Please check it in the extension manager (http://www.yoursite.tld/administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=manage)

Joomla   (1 possibilities to find it)
---> Go to your Joomla! backend and look at the bottom of the page

All System-Infos
--> Go to the following URL in your backend and find the data in the 5 tabs:

But this costs me time!!!
   Yes, you´re right but:
   --> any failed update needs more time ;)
   --> the VM team also spends a lot of time for us
   --> we´re a community, you get VM for free, so please pay with your feedbacks ;)

If you have further suggestions, what I forgot, then please give notice. Thanks!


Thanks to simbus82 for your help!
a) Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)
b) 5.3.3-7+squeeze8
c) 5.1.61-0+squeeze1
d) memeory_limit = 512M
e) max_execution_time = 30
f) Joomla 2.5.4
g) 2.0.4
h) 2.0.6
i) Extracting the update package failed
j) All is writable
k) The error for me is simply about the software that you use to compress the pack.

Thanks to iWim for your help!
a) Server system: Apache/2.2.23 CentOS
b) PHP-version: 5.3.10
c) SQL-version: 5.5.20-cll
d) memory_limit: 128M
e) max_execution_time: 30
f) Exact Joomla! version: 2.5.4
g) Exact Virtuemart version BEFORE update: 2.0.4
h) Exact Virtuemart version of the update you want to: 2.0.6
i) Displayed error message: Unable to decompress data   Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually
j) Any not writable directory Permissions? all writable
k) Optional: Any other info? Using the extension manager gave me a white screen. Upload through FTP did not change version number.
Message in the error log:

[Tue Apr 24 12:29:01 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: gzinflate() [<a href='function.gzinflate'>function.gzinflate</a>]: data error in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 75, referer:

The AIO has the same issues.
Message in the error log after trying to update aio

[Tue Apr 24 12:39:51 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/, referer:
[Tue Apr 24 12:43:08 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: gzinflate() [<a href='function.gzinflate'>function.gzinflate</a>]: data error in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 75, referer:
[Tue Apr 24 12:43:08 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/, referer:

Thanks to nixsnake for your help!
a) Web Server    Apache/2.2.17
b) PHP Version    5.2.17
c) MySQL Client API version   5.0.77
d) memory_limit   64M
e) max_execution_time   60
f) Joomla! 2.5.3
g) Virtuemart version BEFORE update   2.0.2
h) Virtuemart version of the update you want to 2.0.6
i) Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.
)j all writeable

Thanks to Michel78 for your help!
a) Apache 2
b) PHP-version : 5.2.17
c) SQL-version : mysql 5.1.49
d) memory_limit : 90M
e) max_execution_time : 50000
f) Joomla! 1.6.3 Stable
g) Exact Virtuemart version BEFORE update : 2.0.2
h) Exact Virtuemart version of the update you want to : 2.0.6
i) Displayed error message :
        Unable to read archive
        Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.
j) Any not writable directory Permissions? : No

Thanks to Fug-Mann for your help!
a)  apache 2.2.22(ubuntu SMP)
b)  5.3.12-nmm2
c)  5.1.43-nmm4-log
d)  memory_limit = 64M
e)  max_execution_time = 30
f)   2.5.4
g)  2.0.0/2.0.2/2.0.4
h)  2.0.2/2.0.4/2.0.6  today, aio 2.0.6a to 2.0.6
i)   unknown archive typ, unable to extract
j)   all writable
k)  ..... .update.tar.gz in tmp - extraction on a pc not possible

Thanks to clickman for your help!
a) Server system   WampServer Version 2.2
b) PHP-version   / 5.3.8
c) SQL-version   / MySQL Version 5.5.16
d) memory_limit /   where do I get the info?
e) max_execution_time /   where do I get the info? and how to set?
f) Exact Joomla! version /   Joomla! 2.5.4
g) Exact Virtuemart version BEFORE update   / 2.0.0
h) Exact Virtuemart version of the update you want to/ 2.0.6 (2012-04-16)

Thanks Amalia for your help!
a) Apache/2.2.22  (Linux)
b) PHP/5.3.11
c) 5.5.23-log
d) memory limit = 128M
e) max_execution_time = 30
f) 2.5.4
g) 2.0.4
h) 2.0.6
i) Unable to decompress data Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.
j) all writable
k) none
Virtuemart Customizing  ==>  Virtuemart Themes, Templates & Extensions -  Verry Nice!


Quote from: Yannick on April 20, 2012, 19:20:56 PM

These informations are required:
a) Server system
b) PHP-version
c) SQL-version
d) memory_limit
e) max_execution_time
f) Exact Joomla! version
g) Exact Virtuemart version BEFORE update
h) Exact Virtuemart version of the update you want to
i) Displayed error message
j) Any not writable directory Permissions?
k) Optional: Any other info?

a) Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)
b) 5.3.3-7+squeeze8
c) 5.1.61-0+squeeze1
d) memeory_limit = 512M
e) max_execution_time = 30
f) Joomla 2.5.4
g) 2.0.4
h) 2.0.6
i) Extracting the update package failed
j) All is writable
k) The error for me is simply about the software that you use to compress the pack.
Joomla! 2.5.16 & VM 2.0.24b


Hello simbus82,

thanks for your input, I already updated the first post with your data.
Virtuemart Customizing  ==>  Virtuemart Themes, Templates & Extensions -  Verry Nice!


a) Server system: Apache/2.2.23 CentOS
b) PHP-version: 5.3.10
c) SQL-version: 5.5.20-cll
d) memory_limit: 128M
e) max_execution_time: 30
f) Exact Joomla! version: 2.5.4
g) Exact Virtuemart version BEFORE update: 2.0.4
h) Exact Virtuemart version of the update you want to: 2.0.6
i) Displayed error message: Unable to decompress data   Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually
j) Any not writable directory Permissions? all writable
k) Optional: Any other info? Using the extension manager gave me a white screen. Upload through FTP did not change version number.
Message in the error log:
Quote[Tue Apr 24 12:29:01 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: gzinflate() [<a href='function.gzinflate'>function.gzinflate</a>]: data error in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 75, referer:

The AIO has the same issues.
Message in the error log after trying to update aio
Quote[Tue Apr 24 12:39:51 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/, referer:
[Tue Apr 24 12:43:08 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: gzinflate() [<a href='function.gzinflate'>function.gzinflate</a>]: data error in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 75, referer:
[Tue Apr 24 12:43:08 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/, referer:


Virtuemart Customizing  ==>  Virtuemart Themes, Templates & Extensions -  Verry Nice!


a) Web Server    Apache/2.2.17
b) PHP Version    5.2.17
c) MySQL Client API version   5.0.77
d) memory_limit   64M
e) max_execution_time   60
f) Joomla! 2.5.3
g) Virtuemart version BEFORE update   2.0.2
h) Virtuemart version of the update you want to 2.0.6
i) Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.
)j all writeable


Thanks nixsnake! First post is updated with your input.
Virtuemart Customizing  ==>  Virtuemart Themes, Templates & Extensions -  Verry Nice!


a) Server system = apache (not sure how to find the version for this one)
b) PHP-version = 5.2.17
c) SQL-version = 5.1.56 mysql
d) memory_limit = 256mb
e) max_execution_time = 30 seconds
f) Exact Joomla! Version = 2.5.4
g) Exact Virtuemart version BEFORE update = 2.02
h) Exact Virtuemart version of the update you want to = 2.06
i) Displayed error message = Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in home/.../public_html/libraries/joomla/filesystem/archive/tar.php on line 159
j) Any not writable directory Permissions? = configuration.php
k) Optional: Any other info? = Using the extension manager sometimes gave me a white screen and sometimes gave me the msg above. Upload through FTP did not change version number


Thank you very much for your input guys. Thank you yannick.

I think we have here two different issues. One issue is that some servers do not support the tar.gz or they get an error extracting it (I use 7-zip on Windows to compress it). The other issue seems to be for me the time. 30 secs for an installation of a 2mb file is just very short. When your connection is not strong, you need for the 2 mb already 20 seconds or even more.

Our problem atm is that there is also a problem with the live updater even when the people have servers which can use tar.gz and with an high execution time (for example 120 secs). I have different results on the same machine with almost the same packages. Strange thing, personnally I think the error is in the ars itself.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


Hi all,

I try to update my Virtuemart 2.0.2 to 2.0.6 with Virtuemart auto-update, and I obtain this error :
        Unable to read archive
        Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.

My configuration :

a) Apache 2
b) PHP-version : 5.2.17
c) SQL-version : mysql 5.1.49
d) memory_limit : 90M
e) max_execution_time : 50000
f) Joomla! 1.6.3 Stable
g) Exact Virtuemart version BEFORE update : 2.0.2
h) Exact Virtuemart version of the update you want to : 2.0.6
i) Displayed error message :
        Unable to read archive
        Extracting the update package failed. Please try updating the extension manually.
j) Any not writable directory Permissions? : No

Any help would be apreciated.



Edit : I've just migrated from Joomla 1.6.3 to 2.5.4 and the problem is the same.


I just got a message of some guy from denmark, they just changed the url and used their own server and it worked. Seems that our current hoster is just too slow.
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


That's a great information.
What is the URL to try this workaround ?



I can confirm the url workaround. I created my own download location and provisioning file.
And changed the path in './liveupdate/config.php'.
Installation went fine.

Maybe it's time for some 'extra' download locations?
With the provisioning method an ip-based close-location download should be possible....


Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
Extensions approved by the core team:


hey guys!
I have updated virtuemart from 2.0.2 to 2.0.6 successfully but now in backend of virtuemart configuration
I'm getting additional tab like undefined and warning for directory

seethe attachments

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