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Product name in shoping cart after language switching

Started by tonis, April 19, 2012, 14:33:07 PM

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I dont know if this is a bug or it should be as it is ...

When i add some product in the cart in english language, and then a switch to german, the product in cart remains in english language. When i add more from this products from german language, it still remains in english ... only the name of the product in cart. For any other translation it works the same.
Should the name of the product in the cart not be changed?

Its for a multilingual site of course...

VM 2.0.6


The same problem.
Adding product in polish, the polish name remains after changing language. Adding seckond product in english, english name stay after changing language. Effect:
3 products in basket, 3 names in different languages

how to fix it, to make cart show EVERYTHING in "selected language" after language was changed?


I forgot to add that I use joomla 2.5.8. and VM 2.0.18a
I try to use JText in defaultpricelist.php on line 159 :
<?php echo JHTML::link ($prow->url$prow->product_name) . $prow->customfields?>
like <?php echo JHTML::link ($prow->urlJText::_($prow->product_name)) . $prow->customfields?>
With no effect. :)

K&K media production

The cart data is stored in a temporary array with product title from this moment, when you add the product. So a language switch doesn't change the cart data.