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bug VM err 1052 Column 'category_parent_id' in field list is ambiguous

Started by 2dmaster, May 01, 2020, 07:53:44 AM

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i see this bug from csvi 7.0 to csvi 7.15 why you crash virtuemart and CSVI ?????


Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


i see all changelogs of CSVI, no any information abouts this bug resolved


It is not my time, your call. You seem to be alone with this so far.

Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi
Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


Quote from: 2dmaster on May 01, 2020, 07:53:44 AM
err 1052 Column 'category_parent_id' in field list is ambiguous when try save categories by Ordeing -> Joomla.tableOrdering
at /administrator/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category Admins page dead with error 1052 Column 'category_parent_id' in field list is ambiguous
why ? cant save ordering for categories.

100% fixed on vm3.8 ! 100%. It comes quite likely from csvi
Should I fix your bug, please support the VirtueMart project and become a member
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VM have very much bugs.. i can create product with ID=0, without language,, without name and sku......
whats happen in 3.8 ?????


QuoteVM have very much bugs.. i can create product with ID=0, without language,, without name and sku......


- without language? - without which language you can create manually product in administration? EN table is default after install and another language table is created after you setup right well joomla. Not before  - this is admin mistake
- without name? - yes, if you don't create right sentences for content language in Joomla - this is admin mistake
- without sku? - sure is sku is required for creating product?

I don't think so.
I think you use CSVI for creating products by import and ther only send info how CSVI not function with new version Virtuemart or I'm wrong :)

Have you contacted Roland yet??  - new portal for Joomla!, Virtuemart and other extensions
XML Easy Feeder - feeds for FB, GMC,.. from products, categories, orders, users, articles, acymailing subscribers and database table
Virtuemart Email Manager - customs email templates
Import products for Virtuemart - from CSV and XML
Rich Snippets - Google Structured Data
VirtueMart Products Extended - Slider with products, show Others bought, Products by CF ID and others filtering products


no they didnt support me i not have active license for CSVI.. maybe you try ?



For extensions we don't have, we extend the subscription every year so that we have paid support and new versions.
CSVI is one of them, although we also use our own applications for import.  - new portal for Joomla!, Virtuemart and other extensions
XML Easy Feeder - feeds for FB, GMC,.. from products, categories, orders, users, articles, acymailing subscribers and database table
Virtuemart Email Manager - customs email templates
Import products for Virtuemart - from CSV and XML
Rich Snippets - Google Structured Data
VirtueMart Products Extended - Slider with products, show Others bought, Products by CF ID and others filtering products


Quoteno they didnt support me i not have active license for CSVI.. maybe you try ?

Dont be so ignorant - pay for the product and get support

I doubt people here will support Rolands product for you for free

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


so new bug: i create from tool !С product..
so i have 19500 products, bu bug in this tool, not correct sql i think, i create product 19501 without name, price, category, sku, manufacturer, but its product have 19500 children products... how ???? and ID 0...
so not fixed in vm 3.8 latest


To 2dmaster:

Sorry but I don't understand what do you write and want still. You dont send any picture, only say "its bug, its bug, hurry up VM DEV, fix it!!!"
I don't understand what is "!C", I don't understand why is problem in VM, then you use 3d party extensions?

Pls read this info and write your problem again:  - new portal for Joomla!, Virtuemart and other extensions
XML Easy Feeder - feeds for FB, GMC,.. from products, categories, orders, users, articles, acymailing subscribers and database table
Virtuemart Email Manager - customs email templates
Import products for Virtuemart - from CSV and XML
Rich Snippets - Google Structured Data
VirtueMart Products Extended - Slider with products, show Others bought, Products by CF ID and others filtering products


Is your invisible e-shop without a tracked URL a commercial project and you use your developer?

Or are you just installing programs and then looking for help in this forum?  - new portal for Joomla!, Virtuemart and other extensions
XML Easy Feeder - feeds for FB, GMC,.. from products, categories, orders, users, articles, acymailing subscribers and database table
Virtuemart Email Manager - customs email templates
Import products for Virtuemart - from CSV and XML
Rich Snippets - Google Structured Data
VirtueMart Products Extended - Slider with products, show Others bought, Products by CF ID and others filtering products


OK - this topic is clearly not a core VM issue.

I am closing this thread - 2dm, seek help for your plugins or third party code from the developers of that code.

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1