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problem label new

Started by webbrand, September 27, 2016, 16:41:31 PM

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hi, I have a site that has problems with virtuemart

1: I can not in any way to remove the "new" label that I do not know why you view and I find no way to permanently delete

See products at this link

2: not belonging at the top my name so I can understand that they are logged in, how should I do?

I attach the image

Thank you


It is being put there by your template, you are not using the default VirtueMart templates.

If you use Firebug you can see that the code is :
<div class="product-status">
<div class="label-pro status-new">New</div>

So edit your template overrides or  hide it with css
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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