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Order Confirmation and Email Tweaks

Started by urzh12, July 02, 2016, 15:34:40 PM

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Hello, I am bundling 3 questions I have about order checkout.

1. I'm using PayPal for payment. How can I center the "Please wait while redirecting to PayPal" button message on my site before leaving to the PayPal website? Can I also change this text?

2. My orders will be seamless and I do not want users to check on their orders on my site - for now. When an email is generated with invoice, it creates a password and link for customers to check order with. How can I remove this entirely? I would like to email the customer directly with a tracking # once I have it.

3. Emails - I want the customer to receive 1 email with their invoice and I want to receive the same email (to my joomla backend email configured) to track orders. Please see screenshot for current email settings.

Thank you for any help.


Remember to always state Joomla & VM versions!!!

1. Depends on your template, and what css you already have applied. Use Firebug to work it out.

2. Edit & override the mail template files.  components/com_virtuemart/views/invoice/tmpl/

3. Default Order Status to create an invoice is set to confirmed, so set the same for Default Order Status to send email to shopper & Default Order Status to send email to vendor

And use HTML mail so they are properly laid out.

Now read  - especially the section starting Do not ask more than one question in a forum message
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


1. OK !

2. Thanks!

3. Tried this, but customer email is still getting 2 emails and vendor (me) isn't receiving anything. Screenshot attached.

Reading your link. Sorry for not first reading this. Thank you for still responding. I'm using VirtueMart 3.0.16  & Joomla 3.5.1


For the emails, my checkout is paypal only.


I think i figured it out.

I have my site OFFLINE and when I decide to test, I login to front end with my super user info (joomla admin login) to bring my site online for the super user. Well it turns out when I put an email address in a test order it's actually changing the super user email address (Vendor email shopper) and I'm getting the dupe email!

For a real test, I enabled my live site (made sure I was logged out of the backend) (using paypal sandbox mode) created a test checkout account, ensured my vendor email was what I wanted it to be, and like magic the email was sent simeltaneously to the vendor email and customer email addresses!

Good to know for anyone else scratching their head..