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Previous order data shows TWO different Vat calculations

Started by cuie, February 19, 2013, 07:10:47 AM

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Hi again,

I have a strange bug / problem with user previous order data. If I go to my previous orders and look for the ordered items tab, I see TWO different VAT calculations where the Alv.23% values doesn´t even match to the order in any way! The actual cart form only shows the correct one: Alv.24% but after the order is done, the Alv.23% some how creeps in.

In VM config there is only one tax definied: Alv.24 %. I have tried with different shopper groups, checked that there isn´t any coupons or anything affecting the issue.

It is also strange that the Alv.23% value is way higher than even the ordered items themselves!

I have tried to see if I could comment this Alv.23% away but it seems it cannot be done since the fields are populated from an array or similar. Any idea how I could fix this? This problem wasn´t on the test server but came up after we transferred the site to production server.


Does anybody got any hints where to look for the problem? Should I try to find VAT database table and see if there is a problem?

To emphazise: this problem is only when looking at data of past orders. It doesn´t show up in the cart itself.