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Main Menu decline card error NOT displaying

Started by marthirial, October 02, 2009, 02:26:16 AM

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VM 1.1.3
Joomla! 1.5.9

Step 3 of 4. Select payment method.

If the credit card, security code or type of card is invalid, an error is supposed to show: Error: The Credit Card Number entered is not valid.

In my case, this error is not showing.  Anybody knows which files should I check to find the echo that prints this error?

Thanks a lot.


I have to correct: No error displays in the credit card validation.

Even if the credit card is empty, it shows no error, it just returns to the same page.

Anybody knows where is the error message generated and I am not referring to the language file, but the actual code.


$50 through Paypal for your time helping me figure this out.

There was some customization done to the checkout process, nothing related with processing (still uses only layout. 

The alerts and errors are visible in debug mode.  I have traced the function getErrorField( $msg ) but it will not show the error.


Don Hays

Did you ever figure this out? I'm running into the same problem.
Don Hays
Gearbox Studios


I was experiencing the same issue. In my case it turned out to be a bug with the logging mechanism that prints the error message for the user.

Here's how to reproduce this particular error:
1) Navigate to the VirtueMart Administration Configuration screen : http://<yourdomain>/administrator/index.php?page=admin.show_cfg&option=com_virtuemart
2) Scroll to the bottom and make sure "Debug" is not checked BUT "Limit by IP address" is checked and put a bogus IP in the "Client IP address" field, such as
3) Apply changes
4) Attempt to make a payment using an invalid Credit Card, the screen should refresh and there will not be an error message.

Basically, if "Limit by IP address" is enabled and your IP doesn't match the one in the "Client IP address" field then the logger will throw out all messages.

To fix this open /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/Log/display.php and change this line (119 on my system):



if((VM_DEBUG_IP_ENABLED == '1') && (strcmp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], VM_DEBUG_IP_ADDRESS) != 0) && $priority == PEAR_LOG_DEBUG)

Best Regards,
Jerret Kinsman
Relative Design and Networking LLC
Consulting, Engineering, Systems Management and Website Design
(503) 608-4650


Relative Design and Networking LLC
Consulting, Engineering, Systems Management and Website Design
(503) 608-4650


I'm still having this problem.  Implemented that fix proposed by RelativeDesign, but it doesn't make a difference.  I've tried with and without the IP box checked.  I still get no errors whatsoever, whether for invalid CC# or on step 4; no error response codes are shown.  All of the errors do show up in my logs!

Joomla 1.5.14 - VM 1.1.3
Absorbents, Spill Kits, and products for Spill Containment, Erosion Control, and Facility Protection.


I am also in the same boat. As the above posters. The error messaging system is broken somewhere, but I can't figure out where... Has anyone figured this out yet?


Thanks for the pointers. Even though I had debug off I had limit still on. Surely a bug. I would have thought fixed in 1.1.5.

True Blue Web Property Development

James Schwartz


I'm also having this problem, and it is driving me crazy:

* I have the debug by IP address fixes mentioned above
* I can see the errors in the file logs, but they are not displayed
* Non-VirtueMart originating error messages such as login errors display fine, so I know the template is OK
* I can use default templates, or custom ones, the result is the same (nothing displayed)
* All templates have <jdoc:include type="message" /> in them
* To the degree I can debug things, the error messages seem to be there, but following the error display logic is quite difficult.

Any find a solution to this?